OGDEN, Utah –
Weber State University’s Engaged Learning Series will host the premiere
screening of the documentary “NOT FOR RENT!” that examines the obstacles
ex-felons face searching for housing after release from incarceration, April 5
from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Shepherd Union Wildcat Theater. The event and
accompanying lunch are free, but seating is limited. Participants must register
The film highlights
several individuals with felony convictions as they discuss the stumbling
blocks they’ve encountered attempting to find a place to live. Strict rental
policies can affect individuals for decades. One subject of the film, Tonia,
continues to struggle to find housing after a felony conviction almost 30 years
In addition to
the film, the event includes a question-and-answer session with film director
Matt Duhamel; House Minority Leader Brian King, D-Salt Lake City; Molly Prince,
Utah Prisoner Advocate Network president; Anna Brower, ACLU of Utah strategic
communications manager.
Duhamel, film
director of Metamora Films, began producing “NOT FOR RENT!” in response to his
own difficulties finding housing as an ex-felon.
“I know I’m not
alone. Millions of ex-felons in this country, along with their families, are
fighting for fair and adequate rental housing,” Duhamel said. “I wanted to
produce a film that spoke to this issue that is rarely talked about.”
Monica Williams, WSU
criminal justice assistant professor who was interviewed in the film, stresses
the importance of stable housing for everyone in the community.
“Some cities have
enacted ‘Good Landlord’ programs that bar landlords from renting to ex-felons,”
Williams said. “This means that when individuals with a felony record get out
of prison, they have a very hard time finding a place to live. Stable housing
is very important for successful reintegration into society. Not having a place
to live can increase a person’s chances of reoffending, so barring landlords
from renting to ex-felons can actually decrease public safety.”
The film is part
of the 2016-17 Engaged Learning Series sponsored by WSU’s Center for Community
Engaged Learning (CCEL). Melissa Hall, CCEL executive director, said this
year’s theme has focused on privilege.
“The series has provided
an avenue for discussion, reflection and action,” Williams said. The series has
included documentaries, expert panels, shared stories, art exhibits and a
number of other events to allow participants to critically examine and discuss
privilege — a topic that is often ignored, but has major societal costs.” Visit for more news about Weber State University.
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